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008: Hollywood Week
FILE 25304/29229
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Album name:
008: Hollywood Week
44 KiB
Date added:
May 28, 2020
1280 x 720 pixels
4 times
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USER: ------------------ Array ( [ID] => 95d1830c897a89625dfefb3300a128fc [am] => 1 [liv] => Array ( [0] => 274313 [1] => 180774 [2] => 273729 [3] => 272548 [4] => 182540 ) ) ========================== USER DATA: ------------------ Array ( [user_id] => 0 [user_name] => Guest [groups] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [group_quota] => 0 [can_rate_pictures] => 1 [can_send_ecards] => 0 [can_post_comments] => 0 [can_upload_pictures] => 0 [can_create_albums] => 0 [pub_upl_need_approval] => 1 [priv_upl_need_approval] => 1 [access_level] => 3 [disk_max] => 0 [disk_min] => 0 [has_admin_access] => 0 [group_name] => Anonymous [can_create_public_albums] => 0 [can_see_all_albums] => 0 [group_id] => 3 [allowed_albums] => Array ( ) ) ========================== Queries: ------------------ Array ( [0] => SELECT name, value FROM cpgeh_config [include/init.inc.php:177] (0.45 ms) [1] => SELECT * FROM cpgeh_plugins ORDER BY priority [include/plugin_api.inc.php:48] (0.18 ms) [2] => SELECT user_id, time FROM `katyperr_katyp`.cpgeh_sessions WHERE session_id = 'aa9b095f7728f4de318f79896b15844a' [bridge/coppermine.inc.php:241] (0.19 ms) [3] => SELECT MAX(group_quota) AS disk_max, MIN(group_quota) AS disk_min, MAX(can_rate_pictures) AS can_rate_pictures, MAX(can_send_ecards) AS can_send_ecards, MAX(can_post_comments) AS can_post_comments, MAX(can_upload_pictures) AS can_upload_pictures, MAX(can_create_albums) AS can_create_albums, MAX(has_admin_access) AS has_admin_access, MAX(access_level) AS access_level, MIN(pub_upl_need_approval) AS pub_upl_need_approval, MIN( priv_upl_need_approval) AS priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpgeh_usergroups WHERE group_id in (3) [bridge/udb_base.inc.php:350] (0.23 ms) [4] => SELECT group_name FROM cpgeh_usergroups WHERE group_id= 3 [bridge/udb_base.inc.php:362] (0.13 ms) [5] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpgeh_categorymap WHERE group_id in (3) [bridge/udb_base.inc.php:375] (0.16 ms) [6] => SELECT aid FROM cpgeh_albums WHERE moderator_group IN (3) [include/init.inc.php:271] (0.19 ms) [7] => SELECT lang_id FROM cpgeh_languages WHERE enabled='YES' [include/init.inc.php:334] (0.15 ms) [8] => DELETE FROM cpgeh_banned WHERE expiry < '2025-03-14 22:04:35' [include/init.inc.php:448] (0.13 ms) [9] => SELECT null FROM cpgeh_banned WHERE ('' LIKE ip_addr ) AND brute_force=0 LIMIT 1 [include/init.inc.php:464] (0.15 ms) [10] => SELECT rgt, lft, depth FROM cpgeh_categories WHERE cid = 44 LIMIT 1 [include/functions.inc.php:44] (0.15 ms) [11] => SELECT cid FROM cpgeh_categories WHERE lft BETWEEN 157 AND 202 [include/functions.inc.php:49] (0.17 ms) [12] => SELECT keyword FROM cpgeh_albums WHERE category IN (44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 148, 164, 170, 173, 180, 185, 186, 110, 111, 112, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 114, 172) [include/functions.inc.php:57] (0.6 ms) [13] => SELECT hits FROM cpgeh_pictures WHERE pid = 182540 [include/functions.inc.php:2315] (0.15 ms) [14] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpgeh_pictures AS p INNER JOIN cpgeh_albums AS r ON r.aid = p.aid INNER JOIN cpgeh_categories AS c2 ON c2.cid = category WHERE (c2.lft BETWEEN 157 AND 202) AND approved = 'YES' AND (hits > 4 OR hits = 4 AND pid < 182540) [include/functions.inc.php:2326] (121.21 ms) [15] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpgeh_pictures AS r INNER JOIN cpgeh_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid INNER JOIN cpgeh_categories AS c2 ON c2.cid = category WHERE (c2.lft BETWEEN 157 AND 202) AND approved = 'YES' AND hits > 0 [include/functions.inc.php:1719] (155.45 ms) [16] => SELECT r.pid, r.aid, filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight, filesize, ctime, r.title, r.keywords, r.votes, pic_rating, hits, caption, r.owner_id FROM cpgeh_pictures AS r INNER JOIN cpgeh_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid INNER JOIN cpgeh_categories AS c2 ON c2.cid = category WHERE (c2.lft BETWEEN 157 AND 202) AND approved = 'YES' AND hits > 0 ORDER BY hits ASC, pid DESC LIMIT 3925 ,1 [include/functions.inc.php:1736] (793.02 ms) [17] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpgeh_pictures AS r INNER JOIN cpgeh_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid INNER JOIN cpgeh_categories AS c2 ON c2.cid = category WHERE (c2.lft BETWEEN 157 AND 202) AND approved = 'YES' AND hits > 0 [include/functions.inc.php:1719] (114 ms) [18] => SELECT r.pid FROM cpgeh_pictures AS r INNER JOIN cpgeh_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid INNER JOIN cpgeh_categories AS c2 ON c2.cid = category WHERE (c2.lft BETWEEN 157 AND 202) AND approved = 'YES' AND hits > 0 ORDER BY hits ASC, pid DESC LIMIT 3926 ,1 [include/functions.inc.php:1736] (317.41 ms) [19] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpgeh_pictures AS r INNER JOIN cpgeh_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid INNER JOIN cpgeh_categories AS c2 ON c2.cid = category WHERE (c2.lft BETWEEN 157 AND 202) AND approved = 'YES' AND hits > 0 [include/functions.inc.php:1719] (131.75 ms) [20] => SELECT r.pid FROM cpgeh_pictures AS r INNER JOIN cpgeh_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid INNER JOIN cpgeh_categories AS c2 ON c2.cid = category WHERE (c2.lft BETWEEN 157 AND 202) AND approved = 'YES' AND hits > 0 ORDER BY hits ASC, pid DESC LIMIT 3924 ,1 [include/functions.inc.php:1736] (474.04 ms) [21] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpgeh_pictures AS r INNER JOIN cpgeh_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid INNER JOIN cpgeh_categories AS c2 ON c2.cid = category WHERE (c2.lft BETWEEN 157 AND 202) AND approved = 'YES' AND hits > 0 [include/functions.inc.php:1719] (117.52 ms) [22] => SELECT r.pid FROM cpgeh_pictures AS r INNER JOIN cpgeh_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid INNER JOIN cpgeh_categories AS c2 ON c2.cid = category WHERE (c2.lft BETWEEN 157 AND 202) AND approved = 'YES' AND hits > 0 ORDER BY hits DESC, pid ASC LIMIT 0 ,1 [include/functions.inc.php:1736] (437.8 ms) [23] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpgeh_pictures AS r INNER JOIN cpgeh_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid INNER JOIN cpgeh_categories AS c2 ON c2.cid = category WHERE (c2.lft BETWEEN 157 AND 202) AND approved = 'YES' AND hits > 0 [include/functions.inc.php:1719] (111.57 ms) [24] => SELECT r.pid FROM cpgeh_pictures AS r INNER JOIN cpgeh_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid INNER JOIN cpgeh_categories AS c2 ON c2.cid = category WHERE (c2.lft BETWEEN 157 AND 202) AND approved = 'YES' AND hits > 0 ORDER BY hits ASC, pid DESC LIMIT 0 ,1 [include/functions.inc.php:1736] (401.53 ms) [25] => SELECT title, comments, votes, category, aid FROM cpgeh_albums WHERE aid='2591' LIMIT 1 [displayimage.php:420] (11.95 ms) [26] => SELECT p.cid, p.name FROM cpgeh_categories AS c, cpgeh_categories AS p WHERE c.lft BETWEEN p.lft AND p.rgt AND c.cid = 148 ORDER BY p.lft [include/functions.inc.php:2942] (10.94 ms) [27] => UPDATE cpgeh_pictures SET hits = hits + 1, lasthit_ip = '', mtime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE pid = 182540 [include/functions.inc.php:2844] (4.94 ms) [28] => SELECT extension, mime, content, player FROM cpgeh_filetypes [include/functions.inc.php:5955] (0.39 ms) [29] => SELECT null FROM cpgeh_votes WHERE pic_id= 182540 AND user_md5_id='95d1830c897a89625dfefb3300a128fc' [include/themes.inc.php:3624] (0.13 ms) [30] => SELECT null FROM cpgeh_vote_stats WHERE pid = 182540 AND ip = '' [include/themes.inc.php:3625] (0.1 ms) [31] => SELECT user_name as user_name FROM `katyperr_katyp`.cpgeh_users WHERE user_id = '1' [bridge/udb_base.inc.php:59] (0.11 ms) [32] => SELECT COUNT(msg_id) FROM cpgeh_comments WHERE pid='182540' [include/themes.inc.php:3757] (0.15 ms) [33] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpgeh_pictures AS r INNER JOIN cpgeh_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid INNER JOIN cpgeh_categories AS c2 ON c2.cid = category WHERE (c2.lft BETWEEN 157 AND 202) AND approved = 'YES' AND hits > 0 [include/functions.inc.php:1719] (129.04 ms) [34] => SELECT r.pid, r.aid, filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight, filesize, ctime, r.title FROM cpgeh_pictures AS r INNER JOIN cpgeh_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid INNER JOIN cpgeh_categories AS c2 ON c2.cid = category WHERE (c2.lft BETWEEN 157 AND 202) AND approved = 'YES' AND hits > 0 ORDER BY hits ASC, pid DESC LIMIT 3923 ,5 [include/functions.inc.php:1736] (1719.58 ms) ) ========================== GET : ------------------ Array ( [album] => topn [cat] => 44 [pid] => 182540 ) ========================== POST : ------------------ Array ( ) ========================== COOKIE : ------------------ Array ( [f8bd9544f6ef0540952959806cd4479b] => fe2c482db47663460c478a3e6e75d89e [cpg16x_data] => YTozOntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiI5NWQxODMwYzg5N2E4OTYyNWRmZWZiMzMwMGExMjhmYyI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO3M6MzoibGl2IjthOjU6e2k6MDtzOjY6IjI3Mzg1OSI7aToxO3M6NjoiMjc0MzEzIjtpOjI7czo2OiIxODA3NzQiO2k6MztzOjY6IjI3MzcyOSI7aTo0O3M6NjoiMjcyNTQ4Ijt9fQ== ) ==========================